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Kids Tai Chi Course

Kids practising Tai ChiFrom Monday the 1st July we are running a Kids Tai Chi Class! There will be an initial 6 week course to see what the take up is like and if its all successful then we will run it as a permanent session each week.

Tai Chi for young people will involve Kung Fu basics & fitness, Tai Chi hand forms, Weapons, Push hands and Qi Gong. The class will be varied in pace (much faster than adults Tai Chi) so as to keep the younger mind happy and active. Although Tai Chi is normally perceived as soft and slow it can also be practised fast and more like Kung Fu when taught to younger generations, deepening the teachings as the student improves and creates a better understanding. The practise of Chen Tai Chi helps to bring harmony and balance to their body, mind, energy and emotions. Perfect for over excited or energy-less young people. A great way to bring calm and build self awareness and confidence.

Please note the below adjustment to the tme and venue:

The sessions will be 1st July - 5th August, 17.00 - 18.00, Littledown Centre and will cost £30 for members for the whole course and £35 for non-members. Please register your interest by clicking here or via any of the details on our contact page.

