Community and Partnerships
Our ethos is to extend the concepts and underlying principles of the arts we practise to as far a field as possible. We hope to influence and help change the lives of all. To this end we have made many partnerships and connections with individuals and groups allowing us to work with all ages and abilities. Please take a look at the information below to see some of the work that we have been doing and are looking forward to in the future (click logos for more info). If you would like to link with us or have any projects that you think would be of interest then please contact us and we will be very happy to have a chat and discuss ideas.
Bournemouth School For Girls
BSG is committed to achieving the highest academic standards through a broad and balanced education within a stimulating environment. They also believe academic excellence goes hand in hand with the moral, spiritual and cultural development of the whole person. They work to nurture the individual talents of all their students so that they are able to make a difference in the wider world. We teach Shaolin Kung Fu and Self Defence to their Students on a weekly basis.
BH Live & Active Healthlink
BH Live Active Healthlink is dedicated to helping people make positive changes, be more active, healthier and feel better about themselves and their lives. We are their prefered partner for Tai Chi & Qi Gong, working together on projects such as Cancer Survivorship Programs, Back to Work Programs and numerous demonstrations and events.
Bournemouth Chinese School
BCS is a charity helping to share and promote Chinese culture and heritage to English born Chinese children and cross culturaly to children and adults from all ethnic backgrounds. They run classes and external workshops in Chinese language & arts, Martial Arts, dancing, health and even cooking!
Dorset POPP
We are very happy to be connected with Dorset Partnership for Older People Project. Dorset POPP is primarily a partnership between Dorset County Council, NHS Dorset, the Third Sector and older people. It is a complex and ambitious, person centred programme, led by the needs, desires, and aspirations of Dorset's older people.
Bournemouth Churches Housing Association - IGNITE
BCHA offers a wide range of help to people in vulnerable circumstances. Whether facing life on the street or a circle of issues people want to break out of, they can help find a way forward. We have run regular Qi Gong workshops as part of their IGNITE program, helping unemployed people develop the motivation and skills they need to live more independently.
British Shaolin Temple Association
The BSTA is an association dedicated to the quality of all Chinese Martial Arts in the UK. As well as Natural Elements Internal Martial Arts being a member, our teachers Paul Lockyer and Martine Niven are excutives and have an active role in running the association.
Team Shaolin
As well as being fortunate to have the continual gift of knowledge and support from our teachers we are also very happy to be connected with Team Shaolin, an association committed to the upkeep and high standardisation of Shaolin Gong Fu. They also run the Team Shaolin European Championships competition for Shaolin Gong Fu & Chen Tai Chi.
Body Positive
Body Positive Dorset is an organisation set up to offer advice, practical support, counselling and information to help those whose lives have been affected by HIV/AIDS. When Natural Elements first opened we gave Qi Gong instruction to their users and members. We have kept this link so people can learn more and perhaps change their understanding of HIV.